Do you need a Life-Safety Annual Inspection for your building’s Generator?
A generator can be installed for ‘Life Safety’ and ‘Non-Life Safety’ purposes. If you are not sure – a Site Visit with one of our trained generator specialists can provide you with information to confirm the designation. We provide service throughout the Niagara Region and surrounding area in Ontario, Canada. The Site Visit and Quote for Service is provided at no cost to the customer.
Determining ‘Life Safety’ classification There are a number of things that can determine if your generator is a ‘Life Safety Generator’ – how it was installed, what devices are powered by it during a power outage, documentation, classification of your facility by the Fire Department & Building Code, etc.
We can help with confirmation of what your generator is classified as; and, we can also help you getting & staying Code compliant.
If the Generator on your facility was installed to protect the safety of the occupants during a power outage and to keep your emergency systems operating -then it is required to comply with the CSA C282 “Emergency Electrical Power Supply for Buildings”; and, it will be required to have mandatory, weekly, monthly, semi-annual and an ‘ANNUAL GENERATOR INSPECTION’ that meets the CSA Code C282. The required inspection, test, and maintenance for the generator will ‘CERTIFY’ that the generator is in a dependable & ready-to-run status.
Our company provides Code Compliant Services and Certification. We also offer staff generator orientation & training for your own staff to conduct the mandatory Weekly & Monthly checks & tests. For more detail on the CSA C282 Generator Service, see the “C282 Generator Service”.
If your generator is a ‘Non-Life Safety’ generator – installed for convenience during power outages – an Annual Generator Service is still recommended to ensure your generator is dependable. We can provide details and a quote as to what this service will include.
Call us to schedule your Site Visit – know what you have and need.